I'd say something witty about how normally I don't do these, but in truth, I love it because it saves me from having to be outside-the-box creative. I can be fill-in-the-numbers creative instead.
Four jobs I've had:
1. Doctor's office file clerk
2. AutoCAD flunky
3. Non-profit PR guy
4. Lawyer...ish person
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Big Lebowski
2. Ghostbusters
3. parts of Return of the Jedi
4. Shawshank Redemption
Four places I've lived:
1. Detroit MI
2. Fairfax VA
3. San Diego CA
4. San Francisco CA
Four TV shows I love:
1. Scrubs
2. Seinfeld
3. The Simpsons
4. a show that doesn't start with S... how about Angel
Four places I've vacationed:
1. St. Thomas, USVI
2. Cancun, Mexico
3. Catalina Island, CA
4. Ocean City/Dewey Beach/Nags Head etc.
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. The Wendy's double burger (San Fran's only current imperfection...)
2. Pork chops ala Mom
3. Cheesesteaks
4. Chicken or beef lo mein
Four sites I visit daily:
1. GMail, usually. But it's sad when I don't have a reason.
2. Bloglines
3. Washingtonpost.com
4. FARK and Hotmail and SFGate.com and... listen I'm unemployed. There are a billion sites I visit daily.
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Somewhere tropical and with limited or nonexistent extradition laws.
2. The woods.
3. At work. Sigh.
4. Right about here, actually.
Four bloggers I am tagging:
I rarely tag people. Just because my fragile sense of self-worth would shatter into a thousand tiny pieces were some callous soul to ignore my meek and humble tag.
January 30, 2006
Now This Blog Feels Like Home
I had a longish post written about the U.S. decision to cut ties with the newly-elected Hamas government. It wasn't terribly thoughtful, though I had a whole "what if other nations cut ties with a certain treaty-ignoring, warmongering superpower just because its leaders also happen to be pinheaded zealots" theme.
Sadly, it ain't blogging if Blogger doesn't eat your post every once in awhile. Usually I'm pretty careful, what with the copying and pasting to avoid such calamities, but this time I forgot about the text residing in my computer's copy/paste memory and by the time I remembered, I had replaced it with something far less interesting (full disclosure: it was "and ps i still object to your 'waifish like you like' ideas" which is a snippet of an IM conversation with my sister regarding my "type").
So no stark, poorly-conceived political commentary today. In a nutshell, I 1) don't support Hamas but 2) also don't support our administration. Big surprises, all around.
Sadly, it ain't blogging if Blogger doesn't eat your post every once in awhile. Usually I'm pretty careful, what with the copying and pasting to avoid such calamities, but this time I forgot about the text residing in my computer's copy/paste memory and by the time I remembered, I had replaced it with something far less interesting (full disclosure: it was "and ps i still object to your 'waifish like you like' ideas" which is a snippet of an IM conversation with my sister regarding my "type").
So no stark, poorly-conceived political commentary today. In a nutshell, I 1) don't support Hamas but 2) also don't support our administration. Big surprises, all around.
January 29, 2006
No Habla "Cobra"
There's a theoretically great television station here in San Francisco (KFSF Channel 66) that, were I able to speak or comprehend Spanish, would be actually great. Since we don't have cable (yet--jobs first!) I'm limited to channel-surfing in a kiddy pool of a mere 10 stations. Of those, two are often broadcasting something in an Asian language (I'm guessing one is Chinese, but that's a big guess) and one is the aforementioned "Telefutura".
The sad part is, I routinely run across movies that--given my limited selection--I would totally watch, only to find time and time again that they're on channel 66. The subject of this post's title, for example, will be on tomorrow night. Not that Cobra (with Sylvester Stallone as a cop named "Marion" and a young, not-yet-terrifying Brigitte Nielson) is cinema gold, but it's great background noise for a rainy Saturday afternoon. It's like when the networks didn't always broadcast golf or some other crap (or infomercials) on the weekends and instead left us to at the mercy of "Weekend at Bernie's II" and "Commando".
Okay so maybe it's sad that I miss such horrible movies. I also just watched "Schindler's List" for the first time this weekend. Turns out, it's really depressing. Who knew?
The sad part is, I routinely run across movies that--given my limited selection--I would totally watch, only to find time and time again that they're on channel 66. The subject of this post's title, for example, will be on tomorrow night. Not that Cobra (with Sylvester Stallone as a cop named "Marion" and a young, not-yet-terrifying Brigitte Nielson) is cinema gold, but it's great background noise for a rainy Saturday afternoon. It's like when the networks didn't always broadcast golf or some other crap (or infomercials) on the weekends and instead left us to at the mercy of "Weekend at Bernie's II" and "Commando".
Okay so maybe it's sad that I miss such horrible movies. I also just watched "Schindler's List" for the first time this weekend. Turns out, it's really depressing. Who knew?
January 26, 2006
Nothing Like Pictures to Start You Off Right
I decided the inaugural post should have some pictures of the new apartment. After all, it's all about the new beginnings, etc. etc.

Next Post: Where I got this blog's name (not that it takes a whole post to explain... it's just a Simpsons reference) and some of the very odd alternatives that were tossed around. Also, please note that while I've done my best to begin shaping this new blog and its template to my needs, it is by no means finished and the links have yet to be thoroughly checked.

Next Post: Where I got this blog's name (not that it takes a whole post to explain... it's just a Simpsons reference) and some of the very odd alternatives that were tossed around. Also, please note that while I've done my best to begin shaping this new blog and its template to my needs, it is by no means finished and the links have yet to be thoroughly checked.
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