July 31, 2006

We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do

Let's go crazy, bullet-point style!

  • Spirit Airlines is low rent. I mean, this is obvious given the cost of their flights (low), but they're also oddly located in the International terminal at SFO (I was flying to Detroit... Make all the jokes you want, but Michigan has yet to be sold to Canada).

  • Mini book review #1: The Kite Runner -- Highly enjoyed it, even though it was seriously depressing. Very interesting look at Afghanistan through a fictional account. Plus, the author is from, and some parts take place in, San Francisco. Gotta support the team. Recommended!

  • Mini book review #2: Running with Scissors -- the author is now being sued by the people he memoirizes (it's early and if there's a word for that, it ain't in my vocabulary), probably because if the account is even half true, they're drug dealers, statutory rapists, and frauds. Oh and actual rapists. The book itself was entertaining but lacked a strong narrative to tie all the funny stories together. Like David Sedaris but only 40% as funny. Mildly recommended.

  • Chickens I am not counting: The job hunt is looking up. I'll say more when I have actual news, but things are progressing for once. That's nice. Added bonus: freaking out my sister by telling her that when I go to interviews, I'm going to bring beer and give high-fives and say things like "aw hell no, dawg, I ain't playin like that!"
  • July 11, 2006

    Hey, a Blog!

    I almost forgot I had one of these! Fortunately, fates have smiled on my reading public (fates being, well, me) and have conspired to give me much more free time again.

    That's right, I've rejoined the ranks of the unemployed. Not for too long, I hope, but as of yesterday I'm home again in my sweats surfing the Internet for girls games jobs. There comes a time in any crappy, low-paying job when one must weigh the benefits of said job (actual money coming in) against the detrimental side-effects (not enough money to pay bills, job is painfully unsatisfying in most aspects, and worst: job kills energy for job-hunting during off hours). I have done this, and I now sit before you, a bum.

    I am far less bitter about job searching now, probably because I've taken the edge off by actually having a job and by knowing that some amount of work DOES exist out there. But I am now the last of my loser friends to get a job (a feat, considering that only 1 of 5 from law school had one back in the fall, and she had to move to Europe and get paid in Ramen), and such an ignoble honor does not suit me.

    In other news, my car got "broken into" the other day, leaving me pissed and my ashtray/change holder missing. I used quotes because it's quite possible I left it unlocked--even though I never do--given the simplicity of the hoodlums that got in. They took everything out of the glove compartment and pulled out the change thing, but left the stereo (!) and didn't bother to check the trunk at all. Amateur hour, I tells ya!

    In other, other news, I'm headed to Michigan for a week starting next Friday, so that will be nice. Not that I need a vacation, really, but it's good to see family. Sad that 11 months after the last summer visit and I'm in pretty much the same financial position. At least this time I can get into arguments with my uncle about pharmaceutical litigation.

    No more, you fiends! I return to my leisure job-searching.

    July 6, 2006

    That's why he's The King

    Larry King is interviewing the President at some point in the near
    future (tonight?) and CNN.com has a brief interview with King about
    the interview. A bit... meta for my taste, and largely
    inconsequential, but it did reveal this tidbit to which I, naturally,
    took offense:

    "I want to learn as much as I can about as many things as I can. I'm
    as interested in feelings as I am about facts. I know we have 139,000
    troops in Iraq, but I want to know about how he feels about all the

    He wants to know how the President feels about the troops. The
    President. Of the United States. Is there any more softball,
    feel-good, useless question to ask him? Is there any chance the
    President will say "Larry, honestly, I think they're disgraceful," or
    "I respect them and the failures have been mine and mine alone"?

    No. It's a stupid question, and it's a waste of journalism to have
    someone asking the most powerful man in the free world numerous
    questions, and instead he's going to repeatedly punt (other questions
    will include the prez's feelings on Ken Lay--given that the man just
    died, I doubt it will get into their very shady relationship).

    Nobody wants to ask real questions. And when they do ask real
    questions, they don't care when the answer completely dodges it. There
    have been signs that the media is waking back up a bit, and perhaps
    the esteemed Mr. King isn't exactly a hard journalist these days, but
    it certainly doesn't make me remotely interested to tune in. Tonight,
    on CNN: the President reviews his talking points while Larry King nods