Because everything, eventually, can be turned around to be about me, I point you towards this bit near the end:
Last month, Fine disclosed that hundreds of candidates for summer law intern and elite entry-level honors program jobs had been excluded from hiring pools because of their Democratic affiliations or membership in environmental and social justice groups.Guess what! I totally applied for a summer internship at DOJ (Dept. of Computer Crimes or possibly Intellectual Property Enforcement, I forget the actual name) and now, despite my lackluster grades, I can claim discrimination.
One of my few "accomplishments" up until law school was being President of the Virginia Tech Young Democrats for a brief period (1999-2000). It entailed far less work than the title implies, but hey--President! That goes right on the ol' resume.
When I apply for jobs, I occasionally take it off. It depends on the job, but most of the time it stays. It's an example of leadership and all that hokum. Of course I left that on my resume when applying to Justice, because it was for a freakin' internship. Like anybody cares about political leanings at that level.
To be frank, I'm betting it was less the mention of the YD association, and more my mediocre academic profile. But this may be my only chance as a white male to experience some form of discrimination, so I'm going to let it bug me a little bit.