January 26, 2006

Nothing Like Pictures to Start You Off Right

I decided the inaugural post should have some pictures of the new apartment. After all, it's all about the new beginnings, etc. etc.

Next Post: Where I got this blog's name (not that it takes a whole post to explain... it's just a Simpsons reference) and some of the very odd alternatives that were tossed around. Also, please note that while I've done my best to begin shaping this new blog and its template to my needs, it is by no means finished and the links have yet to be thoroughly checked.


SB said...

Man that text is a bit... blood-red, isn't it? Please note: this is not a vampire blog.

Jason said...

The episode responsbile for this blog's title was on today! Truely, this blog is blessed!

Anonymous said...

It's all good- blood red is my favorite color ;-)