February 10, 2006

"Don't ya get it, Springfield? You lose!"

I've been watching, on both broadcast and on the excellent DVD set given to me for Christmas, The Simpsons Season Six. It's quite possibly the best season, though 6-7-8 were all quite good so I'll reserve final, absolute judgment for when I can review those as well.

Anyway, since it's Friday and few people read blogs today anyhow, I present three of the best scenes from the best season. Also, not coincidentally, three jokes I can make to Adam and Jason anytime and have them completely understand.

"Shake harder, boy!"


"He's already dead!"

No points for telling me what episodes these are from. It's way too easy.

1 comment:

SB said...

the movie-player software that came with my dvd drive actually doesn't suck as much as you'd think. sony does good work sometimes!