As some of you might know, because you are nosy bastards, I went camping last weekend. We went out yonder, to a place I will have to look up on GoogleMaps... here
It was pretty damn (dam? it's a reservoir! ha!) spectacular.

We camped at around 6500 feet next to picturesque Utica (or Uriah, I forget which) reservoir. Right on the water, light years from anything remotely resembling civilization. Good times.
We then got drunk and decided to raft around--five not-so-tiny guys on a poorly inflated watercraft made for 2--in the dark. It was hilarious, though we are all now well aware that such a story could have also ended with "and they were never heard from again..."
And hey, what's the deal with you people (you know who you are) questioning my rustic outdoorsiness? It's a word. I mention I'm going camping and it's as if I announced I was headlining a drag show in the Castro. "You? Really? Wow, okay..." was the most common response.
So nuts to y'all, because I camped the hell out of that place. They now have signs that say "Beware of Sam" because the black bears have nothing* on me.
*maybe claws and very sharp teeth.
Nice work. Sounds like fun. I went camping too. Yes, I call it camping when our power goes out because of storms, you gotta problem with that?
I knew the Outward Bound experience would come back to help you !!
good for you for camping AND posting a photo, AND getting drunk in the woods with a bunch of dudes. Maybe you will be heading to Castro dressed in drag next :)
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