December 4, 2008

I Told You So (Vol. One)

Obama has been all sorts of elected for a month now. He hasn't had much of a chance to do anything yet (what with not actually being President) but he has started picking the various members of his cabinet.

Do I whole-heartedly endorse every pick? Nah. But is he already proving to be a more capable and thoughtful leader than any we've had these past 8 years? Absolutely. His choices are diplomatic, nuanced, and by and large unarguably excellent. Well, maybe not "unarguably" but the argument is far above the arguments we've had about various Bush administration appointees.

Part of the argument for Obama during the campaign was, while he may be somewhat inexperienced, his thoughtfulness and ability to surround himself with people who both disagree and challenge his views more than make up for that perceived lack of experience.

And lo, it has come to pass.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

Isn't it wonderful? [huge sigh of satisfaction]