February 29, 2008

Stuff I Thought About in the Last 24 Hours

I dreamed that I was Barack Obama last night. And that my tooth was cracked and falling out. I am well aware of the supposed significance of teeth-related dreams, but usually (75% of the time) I am me when I dream. So armchair psychoanalysts can have at that one.

I also had one of those dreams where I woke up really angry at the person in the dream. But for the first time that I can recall, this is also true in real life. So while the reasons for the dream-anger (bad driving, which is just strange) faded, they also segued right into the actual reasons I am not pleased. It's not a fun way to start a Friday.

Does anyone else think Iron Man might actually be good? Robert Downey Jr. always brings something noteworthy to his roles, and so far the trailers place movie quality somewhere north of Daredevil and hovering around X-Men or X-Men 2. We'll see.
Update: In searching for a link to Iron Man, I noticed the short description of the movie is "Wealthy Inventor Tony Stark Fights Evil Using a Suit of Power Armor!" Yikes. Minus a letter grade for that mouthful, and for a completely gratuitous exclamation point. "Fights Evil Using a Suit of Power Armor" pretty much states the emphasis without need for assistance from punctuation.

LOST is starting to scare me now. It's like when you were a kid, and you really really wished it was Christmas Day, and when Christmas Day starts you're totally stoked, but then as you near the end of present unwrapping you're thinking, "Crap, I guess that was it." And no matter how good your presents were, they can only achieve some fraction of anticipatory hype you had built up in your head. Last night's LOST was like that. We learned so damn much I started wondering how this show is going to go another 30+ episodes. This season is a just busting out, but damn guys, ease up on the throttle a bit!

I got a "settlement" or something from 24Hour Fitness that gives me 45 free days of membership. Also, it appears to be transferable. Does anybody want that? I already go to a gym that is much more convenient. Well, "go" might be a bit of an exaggeration.

February 28, 2008

The Old Standby

I was going to rant about this whole Roger Clemens thing (of course he's guilty, but really Congress? Nothing better to investigate? ARE YOU SURE?) but then I was beat to the punch. She always summarizes far better than I could hope to.

So you get a survey-meme-thing!

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I am about 3 weeks overdue for a haircut.

2. How much cash do you have on you?

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?"

4. Favorite planet?
Venus. Who knows what lurks beneath those methane clouds. Venutians, probably!

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
An unknown string of numbers that turned out to be Hilary. Damn Switzerland!

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
I keep mine silent most of the time. Or on vibrate. Otherwise it plays "London Calling".

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Gray button type. I'm at work.

8. Do you "label" yourself?
What? If I'm asked to, usually I write "Sam".

9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
Don't remember. They're on my feet and I'm not taking my shoes off for this.

10. Bright or Dark Room?
Bright right now.

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
I think she's cool. Her bangs are out of control though.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I don't really remember, which probably means I had passed out.

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"Happy Vday LUV u all"

15. Where is your nearest 7-11?
I'm not sure. There's a RiteAid a few blocks away, but I'm downtown.

16. What's a word that you say a lot?

17.Where would you be if you could be anywhere right now?
I'm actually sort of okay with right here. If I were somewhere else, I'd feel guilty for not being at work.

18. Last furry thing you touched?
Um. I choose not to answer this.

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
I take vitamins every morning... probably some Tylenol on Monday.

20. How many rolls of film do you need developed?

21. Favorite age you have been so far?
27 was complicated but full of interesting stuff. Since then the complicated has outweighed the interesting.

22. Your worst enemy?
Dr. Demento.

23. What is your current desktop picture?
The "crystal" background that comes with XP.

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Yeah, it all went out fine."

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
See, if you could fly, I bet you could make a million bucks a few hundred times over. Also, flying would be cool. That's win-win (win), baby.

26. Do you like someone?
I choose to answer Kim's sidenote: it's in every single meme because these are written by people who think "liking someone" is the biggest secret you can have. Oh, and no.

27. The last song you listened to?
Something on the radio last night, but I can't remember what. It may have been BTO.

February 19, 2008

This is Weak

The Post has a story by Dana Milbank on the new "accusation" that Obama is plagiarizing phrases for his speeches. It's probably the stupidest thing I've read in the Post this year.
"Criticizing pharmaceutical companies' ads, Obama joked: "You know those ads where people are running around the fields, you know, they're smiling, you don't know what the drug is for?"

Compare that with this staple of the 2004 Edwards stump speech: "I love the ads. Buy their medicine, take it, and the next day you and your spouse will be skipping through the fields."
This is so completely stupid it makes me cringe. I have made the exact same "joke" about those ads--as have thousands, I'm betting--and it's not even phrased the same way.

Of course, Milbank has other "examples" and most of them are completely useless. Another:
Edwards, accepting the party's vice presidential nomination in 2004, said, "Hard work should be valued in this country, so we're going to reward work, not just wealth." Obama, in turn, has been heard to say, "We shouldn't just be respecting wealth in this country, we should be respecting work."
How are these the same quote? The same sentiment, for sure--but if you are going to plagiarize you have to steal it without changing the point. Otherwise you're just improving.

Honestly, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an article or an opinion piece; I've been away for too long to remember what Milbank's deal is. But this is just pathetic. Of all the quotations cited, only one (near the end) is identical. And the explanation is clear--an adviser who worked on the previous campaigns.

I'd make a bigger point about media attacks, or Obama backlash, or something, but unlike Milbank I'm smart enough to know when I don't have the information to back up my argument. Well, okay, I do that all the time. But I won't here.

February 7, 2008

I Had Forgotten About That

I would think that if it got more play, the fact that Hillary co-sponsored a bill to ban flag burning would hit her hard among us liberal types.

But even I, that great bastion of knowing stuff (like the word "bastion") forgot that even happened. Fortunately, Richard Cohen reminded me.

He also sums up, quite nicely, why I don't support Hillary. She is a politician of the highest order; willing to sacrifice anything for votes. And Obama may not be perfect but I still trust him more.

I know I've had worries, but the more I read and watch, the more I believe the only way the Democrats can lose the election is if it is Clinton v. McCain. Huckabee would be easy enough to beat, and word is out that Romney is throwing in the towel. But McCain has that centrist appeal, and has locked horns with Bush enough times to convince America he might not make the same mistakes.

Clinton has her record as a Senator, which is spotty. She has her record as First Lady, which conjures up lots of uncomfortable memories for most people. And she has the fact that she's a woman, which is probably enough to push a small group to vote for her to make history.

But whatever happens, the candidate selected by the Democrats will make history. So I'm picking the one that doesn't attack the 1st Amendment for political gain.

February 6, 2008

"Always Two There Are..."

When you end a serious, or even semi-serious relationship, and you end it without cheating or some other serious infraction of the relationship code, often it's not really over. It seems over, and everyone is very sad and there is much The Cure playing. But sometimes you try to be friends immediately, or after some laughably brief intermission.

This isn't always a mistake, but it almost always leads Break-Up Number Two. That is, you hang out to varying degrees (sometimes it may seem like no break-up ever happened at all, sometimes it's all talk and no face-to-face, etc.) but inevitably you have to break up again.

This happens for a variety of reasons. The most common is that one person still wants to be in the relationship, and the other one is lonely enough to let them pretend that may happen. Eventually somebody wises up, and you get Numero Dos.

Sometimes its because one of you has moved on to a new relationship, and the other person wasn't ready for that. And sometimes it's just because you fall out of contact--usually this is with less serious relationships, or it merely masks one (or both) persons meeting somebody new.

So... it turns out I have no point to make beyond the above, it's just my whiny way of saying that it sucks when that happens. But if I can't whine on my blog, where can I whine?

Writer's Note: The quote is from Star Wars, but the rest of the line ("...a master, and an apprentice.") makes no sense in this context. It does make sense in the context of me being a giant dork, and even when confronted with Serious Life Things, I am blessed with a continual loop of "Star Wars" quotes in my head.