January 30, 2008

One Man's Opinion: Obama v. McCain

It's not necessarily shaping up to be that way just yet, but Obama has the momentum and McCain the delegates, so it's a possible outcome of all this primary craziness.

I am worried about this match-up, and here's why: McCain is a bit nuts but he has come across (in the past, outside of primary season) as centrist. He's fought with the present Administration a number of times, and is not your typical "standard bearer" for the GOP.

This concerns me because given Obama's weaknesses (experience, and possibly race) I worry that undecideds will flock to a man that seems just as tough as GWB but with more smarts and a maverick approach. I disagree with that assessment of McCain, but I think it is possible that opinion will turn that way.

Obama, on the other hand, has rhetoric and "change" on his side, but will that be enough to sway voters with racism in their hearts? Will his inexperience be the reason that cloaks the racist voter's decision to go with McCain?

I suppose this is more a series of questions than an actual opinion. I find myself less happy with Hillary every day (people keep reminding me of past deeds that I really, really hated) but I also believe she has no real advantage over Obama in the above-mentioned areas. Instead of "inexperience cloaking racism" her candidacy could be a much more straightforward "outright dislike cloaking sexism." Which, let's be honest, isn't much of a cloak. People just dislike her--she panders too much and Bill, surprisingly, has come across more egotistical and paranoid than at any time during his actual presidency.

My real hope, I suppose, is that McCain somehow blows it and it becomes an Obama v. Romney match-up. My gut feeling is that Obama can take that race easily, because people don't trust Romney. McCain may seem like your crazy grandpa sometimes, but most of us inherently trust our crazy grandpas.

On the other hand, I'm also starting to think that Obama/McCain is win/lesser win. I feel guilty about that because I detest Republicans, but McCain would at least be a new kind of a wrong-headed thinking. Sad to say, but after eight years of Bush, almost anyone looks good.

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