January 16, 2008


I don't play WOW anymore. At least, I haven't this year. I will probably turn off my subscription this month and maybe when the next expansion pops out, I'll turn it back on. I'm just too busy, and I don't need an online life that badly.

The comments posted to articles on the AV Club are often laugh-out-loud funny, but only if you can get obscure Simpsons in-jokes. And of course you can!

The articles themselves are pretty great too.

I think I support Barack Obama. But I am still not sure. I am not an undecided voter, though, because I am not retarded*. Saying you're undecided during the primaries is totally hip. It's with it.

*I apologize. Retarded people are a lot more aware of politics than idiot midwestern soccer moms who don't know if Bush is better than Kerry.

I miss TV shows that don't suck. I caught 40 seconds of American Idol last night and I wanted to blow my brains out. So I blew out the brains of many, many digital soldiers in Call of Duty 4 instead.

I am working like a fiend this week. It's too bad my hours aren't billable by the firm right now. Hooray for contingency fees! Or boo! Depending on your viewpoint.

Some of my New Year's Resolutions (I hate having them, and they aren't really, but I decided to make some changed in '08 so I have to accept that I have resolutions) have yet to fall by the wayside. This includes working out, because I am a big fat dynamo right now. Big and fat, anyway.

I went to Orange County for work on Monday and upon return I immediately missed the warm southern California air. I did not miss the trashy southern California women. But it only got up to 55 or something yesterday. In California. Come on!

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