February 7, 2008

I Had Forgotten About That

I would think that if it got more play, the fact that Hillary co-sponsored a bill to ban flag burning would hit her hard among us liberal types.

But even I, that great bastion of knowing stuff (like the word "bastion") forgot that even happened. Fortunately, Richard Cohen reminded me.

He also sums up, quite nicely, why I don't support Hillary. She is a politician of the highest order; willing to sacrifice anything for votes. And Obama may not be perfect but I still trust him more.

I know I've had worries, but the more I read and watch, the more I believe the only way the Democrats can lose the election is if it is Clinton v. McCain. Huckabee would be easy enough to beat, and word is out that Romney is throwing in the towel. But McCain has that centrist appeal, and has locked horns with Bush enough times to convince America he might not make the same mistakes.

Clinton has her record as a Senator, which is spotty. She has her record as First Lady, which conjures up lots of uncomfortable memories for most people. And she has the fact that she's a woman, which is probably enough to push a small group to vote for her to make history.

But whatever happens, the candidate selected by the Democrats will make history. So I'm picking the one that doesn't attack the 1st Amendment for political gain.

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