November 6, 2006


My exceptional legal career continued today, as I went to court to fight what I considered to be an unjust MUNI ticket. Also, because I didn't know it would only cost $100 (the MUNI website says fines can be $500) until after I scheduled the court date.

Turns out, it takes 45 minutes but all the judge asked for was my MUNI pass at the time -- which I gave him -- and the whole thing was dismissed.

Will I remember this 40 years from now, when I sit atop the Supreme Court dispensing justice as a robe-clad modern-day gladiator of the legal arena? Probably not. But it was still fun to win one.

Oh, and I'm 2-0 because I fought a parking ticket in law school and won that, too. For those keeping score.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you can parlay this into a resume improving event...let's see, Appeared in the 9th circuit representing the underdog against a giant conglomerate and won.....
Love, Ma