January 15, 2009

"Ain't nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree day."

So the big news today (besides that plane thing) is that Stringer Bell is coming to The Office. Well, okay, to be fair he will probably not play Stringer. But everytime I see someone from The Wire show up someplace else, I get a little weirded out.

Like when Marlo showed up on Heroes are started punching the hell outta everybody. That was actually pretty close to what Marlo would've been like had he had a super-power (as well as being a cold-ass sumbitch).

Stringer on The Office, though. I expect to see some good mashups using the dialogue from his Wire scenes where he tries to rally his lieutenants to sell better. Seems like an easy cross.

In other news, I'm halfway through Season 4 of The Wire and it's awesome. You know it is, but I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I hadn't heard that. Hot damn! Stringer Bell!