April 20, 2006

A Tale of Temping

I haven't updated with any significant information in awhile, and there's really nobody to blame besides myself. And Satan. There's always Satan to blame.

In that time, I've become an actual lawyer. You can look me up at the state bar website and everything. I'm 100% now, no "still waiting for X" or "haven't received my Y" anymore. Though I haven't paid dues yet, they give you quite awhile to do that. This is fortunate because right now, dues cost more than I make in a week.

Speaking of crappy pay, temping is just about up. At least, at the place and salary that has semi-sustained me lo these past 5 or 6 weeks. The good news? I get a raise (25%) and a reprieve from my copy/scan duties for two weeks. The bad news: after that, I have no job again.

Still, I'm ready to move on. It's a nice office, and I've met some great people (there's a story there, too, but focus!) but asbestos and pharmaceutical litigation aren't really my bag, and neither is being the most underpaid lawyer practicing in the state of California.

The way people treat temps is a good indicator as to their worth as a human being. I am particularly lucky because I get to watch the sometimes dramatic shift in attitude between when I first meet someone ("Hey. Copy this for me. Thanks.") and when they eventually hear that I'm a JD-holding almost (at the time) lawyer. Sometimes the transformation is hideous to behold. I know that my schooling and the ambition that people usually associate with a law degree can draw out an unwarranted respect, and I've gotten used to that. Not to be trite, but it still seems wretchedly shallow to behave with more civility simply because it turns out I've got more education than previously assumed.

But I digress. Or, not really, since this was supposed to be about temping. It has been so long since a real post that I'm worried about needlessly opening the floodgates, so I'll just leave you with the best "condescending temp" line ever: "This job is not what I really do, OK? I play keyboards."

* Yes that's from the Simpsons. Like you have to ask?

1 comment:

K8 said...

I shall call you 'Ryan the Temp' henceforth! He too is over educated for his job. And he has Amy at work, another possible parallel.