April 2, 2006

Sunday Ramblings

I'm as big a fan of time travel as the next guy (even though safety is not guaranteed) but this Spring Forward crap is for the birds, daddy-o. I have now updated my list of least desirable time travel destinations:
- The Early 80's ("Morning in America")
- Y2K (Again? It was lame the first time)
- 848 A.D. (Rome annexes the west bank of the Tiber. Who cares!)
- 3 a.m. last night
Hopefully by next year I will have mastered traveling to that holy grail of temporal do-over opportunities, The High School Years.

I find this headline to be mildly amusing, but can't really think of anything funny to add. Maybe "Wheat to Urge Separation of Desirable, Non-Desirable Elements."

Completing the rambling trifecta, an article in the Post made me once again weep for the significantly low standards we Americans have. I've ranted previously about what's funny and what's not (okay, I think it was on the last blog, but most of you saw it) and damn it, most of the President's stuff isn't even that funny. He gets 95% of the laughs from the fact that he's President. I'm pretty sure that secretly (or not so secretly), his reason for seeking election to the highest office in the land was to dramatically improve the play of his extremely lame jokes. Mr. President, we get it; you're a "plainspoken, average joe" (read: uneducated and dim). Please stop hammering it into our heads by emphasizing your childlike fascination of foreign languages and your comical mispronunciations.

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