August 2, 2007

Fast Break!

I saw Harry Potter Number 5 on Saturday. I also bought a couch. They were both darker than I expected. I was happy to see that the director toned down the angsty teenageness of Harry from the book. It's the last Harry Potter book I've read (two behind!) and the reason was that Harry was so bloody annoying. "Boo hoo, nobody likes me, even my friends." What a pain in the ass.

Those Cingular commercials, where the people get dropped calls right before a big revelation or response? Those are funny. What's really funny is that I have Cingular, and while it's true they don't drop calls much, I have a helluva time even making a call at least 40% of the time. So there's a fun twist.

I had to select a primary care physician for my health insurance here at work. I have no idea how to do that, so I just picked one with a good doctor-sounding name: "Birnbaum". I will probably go in for a physical at some point, since it has been 5+ years since my last. Strong like bull!

Everybody is popping out kids and getting married! You know who you are. Congrats to all on the impending nuptials/squalling infants. I am not doing either at this time and that is fine by me. It was hard enough to pick out a damn couch.

I have not seen The Simpsons movie yet. This pains me. But I did check the total scores from my Movie List today and it turns out I've seen 70 movies from 2005. I attribute this largely to my severe unemployment during 2006, which allowed a great deal of Netflixing to occur. My list may be faltering because it indicates only 17 movies in '07, and I think that 7 months in (the sevens are starting to freak me out...) that is on the low side.

I haven't read a really great book in awhile. Nothing worth mentioning. I will dig some out from the books my mom gave us while in Michigan and see if something interesting appears.

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