September 24, 2007

Hooray for Tagging Goodness

BU tossed me a tag, and while my first inclination as a registered California voter is to be struck blind by his request for an Ah-nold presidency, I submit. The bold terms are mine, if you're having trouble understanding. Also, because I can't help it, I appended notes to some of them.

1) In a perfect world, we'd never have to hear another word from James Dobson. (note: Jack Thompson is an awesome choice, though).

2) In a perfect world, Al Gore would be president and the entirety of the Bush Administration would have never discovered politics. (I know it's obvious, but any other answer would feel incomplete.)

3) In a perfect world, all education would be free.

4) In a perfect world, GWAR would give free concerts every night members of the Christian Coalition would be forced to be their roadies. (This was tough because it was really hard to improve upon BU's answer)

5) In a perfect world, the highest paid job would be mine and benefits would include immortality. Suffer my wrath, puny mortals!

6) In a perfect world, I'd be able to go into any Court in the nation with no guilt or fear. Mostly fear.

7) In a perfect world, punching people who can't drive in the nuts wouldn't be a crime but almost nothing would have a much harsher sentence (like death). I don't believe in the death penalty, suckas!

8) In a perfect world, there wouldn't be traffic because everyone was too busy chilling the f*** out. This, um, seems to contradict my "punching people in the nuts" policy from #7.

9) In a perfect world, The Office would air a new episode every night.

10) A perfect world would require me to be sent to another planet.

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