April 24, 2008

Apologies in Advance

I know nobody cares about what I think about politics, especially those of you who read this blog and never comment.

But it's a good place to vent, so here's the latest: Hillary is a liar.

You can say what you want about political gamesmanship, or shrewd campaigning, but this is dishonest. Intellectually, factually, and in every way conceivable.

Michigan and Florida screwed their respective pooches. They wanted to be all hip and violate DNC rules regarding primaries, so they don't get votes. I am fine with that because it's the states that decided to restructure their primaries to get attention, so it's their own fault.

You can't unring this bell. Everyone agreed not to campaign in those states, and in Michigan Obama wasn't even on the ballot. Hillary can start claiming Google hits for "Hillary Clinton" as votes too, and it would be just as valid.

So to claim Michigan and Florida votes as why you're the "popular vote winner"... This is why I cannot support her. If someone out there wants to defend this tactic, please do so. I cannot fathom why anybody would think this was okay.

Non-Political Addendum: Tigers whipped the Rangers last night 19-6, but as I write this Bonderman is literally walking in runs to blow his lead in the last game of the 3-game series. Fat bastard has no control today.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I read your blog and then comment!! And on this, I agree with you. Surprisingly, I have been following the election and do prefer one democrat over the other (Prefer not to say here so as to appear unbiased) and largely it has been "clean" as far as they come!

But you know what bothers me most about all of this? I never comment when my conservative/republican friends say something about being excited to see/hear/watch McCain but everyone of them HAS to say something curt/nasty/cynical when I say the same about a democrat. Maybe its law school, maybe its my friends - but it bothers me!