June 10, 2008

Cool Off Already

I'm resisting the urge to just take a verbal flamethrower to some of the Democrats out there who insist that McCain is now the "best" choice for President.

Not only is this one of the most nonsensical and irrational ideas you can hold in your head, but it's motivated purely by anger and resentment.

It's the equivalent of swearing off all members of the opposite sex (if you're straight, anyway) for the rest of your life after a bad break-up. Or, perhaps more accurately, swearing to switch teams.

I'm sorry Hillary didn't win. Well, I'm sorry because it's gotten so many people so pissy, but I'm not sorry she's not the candidate. She's simply not as good as Obama, so there's no apology there. And you Hillary supporters are just reacting to the loss in a personal way, which is somewhat understandable. You shouldn't take it personally (it's politics), but it's not completely crazy that you have.

But as with any relationship that has ended too soon, pragmatism soon re-enters the scene. You're not really swearing off men/women for life; you just need a break to reevaluate the situation.

I know that had Obama lost, I would've been pissed. And I would have debated who to support, for a minute or two. But I would've done the right thing in the end and voted for the more progressive candidate. Because I'm a goddamn progressive, not someone who would throw his country to the wolves because he'd rather sulk like a petulant child.

So I'm going to back off for awhile (figuratively) and let you Clinton supporters chill. You'll no doubt see some very illuminating Obama v. McCain action in the coming months, and you'll realize how asinine it is to consider voting for anyone but Obama.

That's my hope, anyway. If not, "petulant child" is going to seem like a Hallmark card compared to what I have to say in a few months.

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