September 8, 2006

There's a Doings a-Transpirin'

I know that I've been crapulent in my updating "lately" (summertime) but I just wanted to give notice to all you who populate the linkage bars to the right: I still read and love what you're doing. Moving to new cities, arguing with co-workers, installing cabinets, going (back) to school... I may not write as much as I once did, but I still reads 'em all.

I wanted to point that out not because I think it really matters--especially to those of you I've never met face-to-face--but because with the exception of my chicken-head-posting friend, I think all those blogs yonder are writing some great stuff. Some, maybe not as often (kindred spirits) but all entertaining and interesting. And to be honest, I still laugh every time I see the chicken head, too.

While we're on the topic, I'd like to note that both of my sisters are now blogging with at least some regularity (here and here, the latter handily beating my own blog in the too-long-and-weird-URL competition). And to mark the occasion, much like we honor the Olympics ever 4 years, my father has even updated his cobwebbed blog.

With so much genetic competition, perhaps my own Internet writer's block will finally evaporate.

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