August 28, 2006

Actual Things That Need Looking Into

As far as that flight in Kentucky is concerned, there are some real questions I have as to what happened. Such as:

  • Why did a short runway end with a plane crashing and exploding? Why didn't it just run off the runway, become damaged and "crash" to a stop? It exploded in flames "in a grassy field"?

  • Even considering that it crashed, why did almost everyone die? Obviously because of the explosion, but what is it about the jet that caused such an ending?

    As far as aviation disasters go, I'd usually prefer to be in one that involved a plane and a short runway (assuming I had to be in one at all). At least, until now. It seemed like the pilot could jam on the brakes, through the engines in reverse, and even if the plane DOES careen off the tarmac, bumps and bruises would be the worst of the injuries suffered.

  • But here's what I'm not asking: how could the producers of the Emmys be so insensitive?! I don't mean to say that if you lost a loved one on that flight, you shouldn't be sad. Mourning is a natural and important process. But why are you watching the Emmys? And if you're just offended by proxy, well then I'm offended by proxy at your idiocy.

    I'm having a rough day. My head hurts. Thus, my usual patience for incompetent behavior has been dramatically lessened.
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