October 22, 2007

How 'Bout a Little Fire, Scarecrow?

UPDATE 8/23: Seriously on fire again. And no relief expected until Thursday? I don't know too many folks down in the SD these days, but I hope those that continue to live there are doing okay. And not losing their houses.


Apparently, my old town is ablaze again.

Longtime readers of this blog, and its previous incarnation, may remember that the same thing happened in 2003 or 2004. Big huge wildfire, school shut down for almost an entire week, and the skies were extraordinary.

If you were expecting the Rapture, that was the time to get down on your knees.

But, it all cleared up. Nobody ascended to heaven and roving bands of demonic hellhounds appeared at levels significantly less than expected. As a burgeoning member of the California legal community, I was pleased with these results, as membership in the California Bar is like having a FasTrak to the inferno.

Still, I can't help but think that the ominous threat of seismic shifting is (maybe) a bit more dangerous than wildfires. The Bay Area's natural catastrophes come with much less warning and, in the worst cases, far more damage.

Knock on wood.

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