November 2, 2007

Forever in Blue Jeans

This post is dedicated to Neil Diamond, for absolutely no reason.

I've decided to try and remember as much specificity as possible, and answer down to the day where I can.

Six years ago.....

1.) How old were you?
23 years, 9 months, and 30 days.

2.) Where did you go to school?
School of Life, my friend. I was between academic endeavors.

3) Where did you work?
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids.

4.) Where did you live?
In Arlington, Virginia, with my good buddy the Narc. Narc!

5.) Where did you hang out?
A couple bars in Dupont, and down at Tech with my girlfriend. On Friday, Nov. 2, 2001 I may have been driving down to Tech (though, even accounting for the time difference in coasts, I would more likely have been at work still).

6.) Did you wear glasses?
Not outside. Contacts!

7.) Who was your best friend?
Had to be Jason the Baby Daddy and Raf the Roommate.

9.) How many piercings did you have?

10.) Did you have a car?
Yep, the ol' Mazda Protege. She was hanging in there.

11.) Had you been to a real party?
Clearly this meme is meant for people younger than I. At 23? Of course.

12.) Had You had your heart broken?
Sure had.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?
Taken even though she was in nowheresville and largely being a pain in the ass. Haha! Just kidding K.

14.)Any Kids?
None that I know of.

-------------3 years ago----------

1.) How old were you?
26 years, 9 months, and 30 days.

2.) Where did you go to school?
University of San Diego School of Law.

3.) Where did you work?
In November 2004, I was blissfully happy with my unemployment.

4.) Where did you live?
In an area of San Diego called Mission Hills, just to the west of Hillcrest.

5.).Where did you hang out?
It was the beginning of the 2nd year of law school, so it may have been part of my ill-advised "party phase" wherein I went to 3 or 4 "bar reviews". Yes, that was partying... to me.

6.) Did you wear glasses?
Still contacts.

7.) Who were your best friend(s):
In November '04, it was probably Hil. The whole law school gang was still semi-tight then, though.

8.) How many tattoos did you have?
Still zilch. I would get dangerously close to upping that by 1 in about 3 months.

9.) How many piercings did you have?
None, and happy that way.

10) What car did you drive?
The one I still drive, an Acura Integra. She's a trooper.

11) Had your heart broken?
Still yes, but not further broken between 2001 and this point.

12.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced:
Single and looking. At the time, I was hilariously looking in a completely silly direction that ultimately turned out great because she's a super friend.

13.) Any Kids?
Only the illegitimate ones.


1.) How old are you?
29 years, 9 months, and 30 days.

2.) Where do you work?
At a law firm that I ain't about to name, for legal reasons.

3) Where do you live?
In the Lake Merritt area of Oakland, California.

4.) Do you wear glasses?

5) Who is your best friend?
Gotta be the girlfriend.

6.) Do you talk to your old friends?
I try to. I want to do better.

7) How many piercings do you have?
Never did get anything pierced.

8) How many tattoos?
That window sorta passed me by as well. Maybe someday...

9) What kind of car do you have
Same old Acura.

10.) Has your heart been broken?
Not lately.


12.)Any Kids?
There's a great kid that I hang out with, but I'm only a fan and not the provider of necessary genetic material.

In three more years, it will be 2010 and spacecars will roam the skyways. I cannot predict what my answers then will be, of course. I do hope to have at least 7 tattoos though. That'll shut the stupid question up.


Dennis! said...

In three more years -- that is, in 2010 -- will you be wearing glasses?

SB said...

I'd like to be all up in the laser surgery, but the whole "surgery" part of that phrase freaks me out a bit.

So I bet yes. Yes I will.

Unknown said...

Haha. True enough... but you loved me anyway. We were dysfunctional like that.
