May 13, 2008

This Troubles Me

I've had a post circulating in my brain for awhile now, but I haven't been sure how to state my thoughts.

Today in the Post there was an article on racism and the Obama campaign.

Now I could be wrong about this, in which case--like most predictions or portents of doom--nobody will even remember what I prophesied. And I'll be really glad if it doesn't come to be.

But here's the concern:

Not electing Barack Obama in 2008 could be the end of our country. The end of America's reign as the leading superpower in the world. It could be the moment that historians 500 years from now look back and say, "That was the straw that broke America's back."

The reason? It will destroy a vast portion of our society and citizenry if Obama is defeated because people cannot vote for a black man. And I'm not sure they can, especially given the sentiments described in the above article. I hope to God we are ready, and that America can step up and do this.

But if we're not, what does this mean? The level of resentment--of sheer anger--could be higher than anything we've experienced before. The divide between the progressives and the racist underbelly may be drawn into stark and unflinching view. Can we handle looking at ourselves this way? Can we not take to the streets, and tear out this rotten core?

Maybe it won't be so obvious. Maybe enough conservatives will convince the rest of the country that they voted policy, and not color. Maybe they actually will, and for some reason 51% of the country will disagree with Obama. But given the past 8 years--more than 70% of the country hates our current President--and the lack of change from McCain (who is rapidly disappointing me by dropping all his reformist opinions), I really don't see how most people can argue voting Republican in November.

If they do, I think that might be it for us. Never before have we had such a remarkable candidate who also happens to be black. If we can't vote for him because of his skin color, well then we don't deserve to be a superpower. We don't deserve the national unity required to remain a superpower. We deserve to crumble as Rome did. We deserve to be torn apart from the inside.

So for all you conservatives out there -- you better damn well make your case against Obama on policy, and make it strong. I may disagree with your ideas, but I respect them.

You independents and "apolitical" types better take a long, hard look at your reasons before you vote against him. If Obama loses because of your racist attitudes, I'll be first in line in any revolution that may follow. I'll call for your heads, and if this country burns I will be glad to see it go.


Unknown said...

To quote the West Virginians...
1) it's not that he's black, his name is hussain, and they are tired of those hussain fellas


2) he is muslim AND his reverand's ideas probably reflect his own.

Hey, if the West Virginians don't understand what's wrong with point two how could the rest of us? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Very good points.. and I am afraid after watching this country for over 50 years that you may be right. People STILL raise their children with bigotry because they don't know how NOT to. When people have problems, they want to blame someone else. The illegals.. the Asians.. the blacks.. the eight fingered, earing wearing engineers !! SOMEBODY.

Very good post, my son. I will make room for you in Ireland.