May 27, 2008

What It Do (Did)

Another grand Memorial Day is past us, and so I look back in reflection at all that I accomplished.

- Re-arranged the apartment. Now I need more furniture. I floated the idea of opening a small break-dancing studio using the extra space, but it was summarily voted down by interested parties.

- Saw Indiana Jones. The new one. The first 45 minutes were gangbusters, definitely Indy at his best. The second half was more tedious and lost some of the spark somehow. A mix of an A and a C- movie.

- Even did some work! Not a hell of a lot, but anything that keeps me paid is good.

- Play about 30 minutes of Call of Duty. I figured I had to, in honor of the holiday. I memorialized our fallen servicemen and women by shooting the hell out of some terrorists. Or someone, I lost track of the plot. But (virtual) bullets were fired.

That's about it, actually. Sunday was particularly productive, as two of the above items occurred then. Monday was sort of useless, but it should serve to speed the week up quite nicely.


Emily said...

So did you think that Indiana Jones was the worst movie of all time? Because it seriously was. Aliens?! Seriously?! Come on.

P.S. I would have totally voted for the break dance area

SB said...

Worst movie of all time is a bit much. Worst of the Indy movies? Probably, though Temple of Doom had Kate Capshaw, which is about as bad as the alien thing.

But I stand by the fact that the first half was quite entertaining. It just lost its way. So no, not worse movie ever. Too many other strong contenders.