July 3, 2008

Let's Get Down to Business

People, some things need to be changed around here.

Here being me. Around me.

You can really only look at so many pictures of yourself before you realize you are headed down an out-of-shape path that should be abandoned as quickly as possible. Yes, if I had better posture I might not notice anything, but I've always had bad posture.

Because it's always hard to stick to things, especially when you're doing it only through your own willpower--and many of you may recall my willpower tends to be intermittent at best--I figured I'd throw it onto the web for all to see.

The Situation
I currently weigh, according to my inaccurate bathroom scale, 209 pounds. This is not bad for my height (6'3") but it is "overweight" according to the deeply flawed BMI system. The system, however, is deeply flawed for reasons unrelated to my particular situation; my weight is not "all muscle".

The Plan
Step One: Eating better. Enough is enough with the fast food; it used to be that my lifestyle and metabolism could keep up, but now that I've been office-bound for more than a year, my metabolism can't handle the load. It's also healthy for a wide variety of other reasons, not the least of which is that I rarely feel "good" after eating from Wendy's or Taco Bell. Yes, even Wendy's. It's the end of an era.

Also, no more soda. Not even diet (which tastes horrible, so that won't be a problem). The caffeine isn't that great for you and the sugar in soda is ridiculous. I'm also cutting down on Starbucks to 1 or 2 times a week, tops, instead of 4-5.

Step Two: I dislike working out and I don't belong to a gym. I also don't feel like I have "time" because there are things I like to do to which I give preference. But I do occasionally enjoy a good run, and the "high" afterwards is pretty great. So I'm going to step that up as well, and after a few weeks of running and mild weight-training, I may join the overpriced gym right next door.

The Goal
To be less than 200 pounds again. I don't need washboard abs or anything like that, but my body has the capacity for a great deal more endurance and strength than current operational levels. I used to be able to run 7+ miles without stopping or walking. Granted, that was when I was 18, but it seems theoretically achievable.

Status: 209 lbs
No Soda: -4 days
No Fast Food: -3 days

Comments are, of course, welcome. I'd just turn them off if they weren't.


Jason said...

Good for you!

Unknown said...

You need some "thinspiration" dude. I suggest joining some pro-anorexia communities online. You'd be surprised at how supportive those fat girls can be as you work towards making your bones show through your skin. Also - watch some Dove ads.

Unknown said...

A scale has recently appeared in the kitchen. Next to the fridge. According to my weighing myself, I am also technically overweight. Having a scale right next to the fridge? Good deterrent ;-)

SB said...

My entire life is a Dove ad.

My scale, however, is possessed because it now alternates between 207 and 215, depending on like, barometric pressure or the tide patterns or something.

I might need a new scale.

Emily said...

good for you! I like that you aren't like most dudes that are creepy about working out. Im excited to be related to you.