August 28, 2008

Raise Your Hand

...if you actually read all of these. Because I usually don't, though I do end up reading it when I change the answers around to my own. This is courtesy of the wee sister.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
I "got up" at 8 but the alarm went off at 7:30.

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds, I guess. I'd look silly in pearls.

3. Last movie you saw in the theater?
Also The Dark Knight. Second viewing! Still dark!

4. What is your favorite TV show?
The Office is the best one still running (LOST is a close second), but right now I'm churning through The Wire like a crazy man. It may be the some of the best TV ever.

5. What do you usually have for breakfast
A few swigs of orange juice while taking a vitamin. Later, maybe a granola bar.

6. What is your middle name?

7. What food do you dislike?
I am still not a huge fan of guacamole. Despite living out here.

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
I don't have a favorite CD at the moment. iTunes has broken me as far as entire albums are concerned.

9. What kind of car do you drive?
97 Acura but wait, Emily when did you get a new car? The hell?

10. Favorite sandwich?
There is a place I go for lunch that does a pretty good roast beef. But the cheesesteaks from IB's are great too.

11. What characteristics do you despise?
The inability to accept opinions other than your own.

12. Favorite item of clothing?
Jeans. I don't get to wear 'em so much anymore.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Australia still tops that list. But followed closely by Europe, and Fiji.

14. What color is your bathroom?
Ugh, I think it's probably "salmon" but I've also been informed it's just pink.

15. Favorite brand of clothing?
I don't have a favorite brand, so much. I got a suit from Banana Republic a month ago and I like it. But I am not necessarily a BR kind of guy.

16. Where would you retire?
Somewhere smaller than where I lived. Not a city.

17. Most memorable birthday?
I think 21 is still the weirdest. I was snowed in at the Detroit airport, but then a few days later some friends threw me a surprise party.

18. Favorite sport to watch?
Football and baseball are probably tops. Not so much college anything.

19. Furthest place you are sending this?
INFINITY. It's the Internet.

20. Who do you expect to send this back to you?
Since I've turned it into a black hole by blog posting, nobody.

21. Person you expect to send it back first?
Seriously, let it go.

22. Favorite saying?
I have started saying "right on". I also say "fair enough" a lot. These are not necessarily favorite sayings, but I am capable of recognizing things I say too much.

23. When is your birthday?

24. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I am a late-night person. But I don't mind the morning as much as I used to.

25. What is your shoe size?
11.5 and what kind of silly question is that?

26. Pets?
None at the moment. I am friends with some very nice cats though...

27. What did you want to be when you were little?
A scientist. I didn't differentiate between the fields, but "a guy doing science" seemed pretty good to me. Or Spider-Man.

28. What are you today?
Attorney. It is not sciencey. Pays the bills for now though. (Excuse the lack of excitement but my job has been wretched these last few days)

29. What is your favorite candy?
Chocolate. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, etc.

30. Your favorite flower?
I don't really have a favorite flower. That's not a macho front, I've just never given them much consideration. Daisies seem nice. They're simple but pretty.

31. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
It was next Wednesday (mini-vacation) but now I'm not sure because work has punched me in the face.

32. What are you listening to right now?
The gentle drone of the office. Somebody is talking about fantasy football. Again.

33. What was the last thing you ate?
Ate? That'd be chocolate chip cookies, last night. Unless the morning vitamin counts.

34. Do you wish on stars?
Nope. I just wish.

35. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
I have no basis for answering this question. My favorite color is green.

36. What is your pet peeve?
Not being called/emailed back, at least once. I get that people (including me) don't want to have constant back and forths, but one reply will not kill you.

37. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Secretary for defense counsel, who was confirming a deposition.

38. Do you like the person/people you are sending this to?
Not necessarily, I don't know who will read this. Actually, since it's my blog, it's probable that I like them all.

39. Favorite soft drink?
I don't drink 'em anymore! But if I did, it's Coke.

40. Favorite restaurant?
Geez, I'm not sure. I was finally introduced to Zachary's Pizza a few weeks back, and that was pretty amazing.

41. Hair Color?
My hair, she is brown, senor.

42. Favorite holiday of the year?
Christmas is really the only holiday that I always celebrate, year after year.

43. What was your favorite toy as a child?
My transformers. I had that big turns-into-a-base guy, Fortress Maximus. I was super jazzed to own that.

44. Summer or winter?
Summer. It has so much possibility.

45. Hugs or kisses?
I don't understand the question.

46. Chocolate or vanilla?

47. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
No, that would be weird. I will read any that post this though.
(Note: I laughed out loud when I read Emily's response: "Sure! I would love to know if my brother likes hugs or kisses!" Sucker!)

48. When was the last time you cried?
Embarrassingly, I teared up a little when watching a video a blogger put up of her 3-year-old son. I know, what the hell. So I punched a mountain lion and felt better.

49. What is under your bed?
No idea. Probably something useful that I've forgotten about.

51. What did you do last night? Worked till 8, then watched a couple episodes of that show Bones, which I don't usually watch but I didn't want to get invested in The Wire. I went to bed at 10 but ended up reading for two hours.

52. Favorite smell?
Still that girly-soap smell. Or maybe it's perfume. I'm not sure, but it comes from chicks.

53. What are you afraid of?
Not appreciating life until it's just about over.

54. How many keys on your key ring?
Seven. Two home, two work, one car, one mail, and one for The Club.

55. How many years at your current job?
One and a half at my current employer. About two doing what I do. Tighten up your language, survey!

56. Favorite day of the week?
I have a love/hate relationship with Friday, so actually Thursday may be best. Friday hasn't turned out to be a bust yet, and The Office is on. Usually.

57. How many states have you lived in?
Three, since we don't count the District of Columbia as a state.

58. Do you make friends easily? I'm not sure. Not easily, and not immediately, but I grow on people like you wouldn't believe.

That's the last question? Kind of anti-climactic.


Emily said...

maybe you weren't supposed to find out about the car this way... I will let mom take this one from here.

Jason said...

Whoa whoa whoa...Coke?! Since when? What has that city done to you.

Iris said...

How long until you incorporate "hella" into casual conversation?

SB said...

Goddamn it, did they give you a car again? Can't leave our parents alone for a second without spoiling you.

What, Pepsi then? I admit to being either/or these days.

I'm not sure one can truly adopt "hella" if you weren't raised here. It has slipped out on occasion, but mostly I use it to confuse folks back east. They don't get the joke.