April 13, 2009

The Easter of the Non-Religious Single Man Who Lives 2,750 Miles from His Relatives

I woke up around 8 a.m. I can't shake my inability to sleep in, and now wake up consistently between 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning. It is a shame.

Half-heartedly checked what was on TV, before remembering it was a) Sunday and b) Easter. Lots of church stuff; eventually left it on Meet the Press or Face the Nation or one of those shows.

Ate cheerios and played some Warcraft. I am bored with it, and do not have the interest to do anything beyond a few dailies and some old-world content for the Achievements.

Surfed the web, but with purpose. Purpose that won't get a lot of play on here because I'm not sure who reads this blog. I found some good stuff though and will be working on that this week. Vague enough for ya?

Exercised some. Also ate half a chocolate bunny, thus negating said exercise. It was only situps/pushups and free weights, though. Watched a good portion of "Just Friends" on Comedy Central at the same time. Meh.

Went to the grocery store, which normally I would never do on a Sunday because I hate the crowd, but I figured on Easter Sunday I might be safe. I was right; it wasn't desolate but it was quick and easy. Enjoyed the nice weather.

Talked to dad on the phone. Wished him belated happy birthday, but I'm not a terrible son because I also called the day before, and the day before that, to express the same sentiment. He was dodging my calls cuz he's a playa, son!

Watched two more episodes of The Tudors. I think Rhys-Meyers overacts. Everyone else is pretty good though. And to be fair, Rhys-Meyers wasn't bad in these two episodes either.

Talked to breezy east coast friend online, till the east coast headed for bed. They do that, often as a group. Sometimes I wonder if everyone on that coast is in cahoots to keep me bored at night.

Perused iTunes Store for about an hour, looking for gems. Downloaded a few songs but nothing to write home about. Still owe someone a CD, but it still isn't ready. I suck. She probably doesn't remember I owe her a CD, though.

Watched an hour of television before accepting that nothing remotely interesting was on. Did see ex's baby daddy beat some jerk up on MTV. I'll go ahead and let that stand as written.

Went to bed and read more of The Worst Hard Time. Really makes one realize that things could be so, so much worse. And how stupid people are when left to their own greedy devices.



Unknown said...

Come home, Dear Child, Come Home. It's time.


Emily said...

This makes me sad, even though I am sure you were not sad at all during your day.