April 20, 2009

Missing the Big Picture

I saw a new (to me) "Mac vs. PC" ad this weekend. The PC decides to use a time machine to travel to the future to see if the "problems" with PCs have been worked out. Of course, when he arrives future PC freezes in mid-greeting. Haha.

First, my PC never freezes. I have three if you count my work computer. I don't know anybody who suffers from this problem, unless they have spyware or other malware on their machine.

Second, I think the Mac guy inadvertently missed a big point in the ad: the PC built a goddamn time-machine. I think the winner, no matter who freezes up or has stability issues, is the company that can TRAVEL THROUGH TIME.

Seriously, Apple. I love my iPhone, and the iPod is great, but you all are some smug assholes. I don't see myself ever buying a Mac, and part of the reason (beyond the exorbitant price and the fact that I don't do any video editing) is that you guys are dicks.


Unknown said...

The only reason these ads have a leg to stand on is because of Vista. Vista is like having a nasty pus filled open sore on the sole of your foot and when you ask for treatment or even crutches you are told that they are not available yet for your type of sore. Just hobble around and wait, but they aren't sure for how long (hope your foot doesn't fall off!)

Seriously, I am contemplating buying an IBook solely because my current laptop has Vista and I want to chuck it out a window every 5 seconds when trying to use it. Every laptop I find also has Vista installed and when asking if I can have a different operating system I get an incredulous "but why?" I wonder if any of them have ever tried to actually USE Vista?

Jumping to IBook was not an easy move for me to make. I hate my Ipod. I hate Itunes. (Yes, I will bravely say it, even though no one else does.) So if Vista can make me turn against PCs then it can do it to anyone.

SB said...

Well, I've never used Vista because I've heard it's unstable and has its problems.

But to be fair, the ad doesn't say "Vista" crashes and freezes. It says all PCs do, when many of us have skipped using Vista completely and of course don't have such problems.

Vista is representative of all PCs like the Nationals are representative of all baseball. Just because it sucks, doesn't mean we should all start watching hockey instead. :)

I'm with you on iTunes though. It was better way back when it first came out. Now it's a bloated mess that freezes up all the time. Imagine that, Apple! The only program that f's my computer up is one of yours.