February 13, 2006

Anxiety Much?

I had one of those post-first-waking dreams this morning; the kind that come after you've woken up once but then fall back asleep, and they're always weird.

Without going into too much detail (because accounts of dreams are usually tedious and boring, even if they involve weird sex acts or something), I dreamt I woke up to find my roommate's room very clean and her bed propped up on its side against the wall (as if moving).

Other things normally found in the apartment were gone as well, but before I could figure out what was going on some guy comes in because he thought our apartment was his. I explain that it's not, and express bewilderment at the fact that his key works our lock, and then (because I'm me, I guess) offer to help him move in to a different apartment in the building. While going downstairs, I'm pretty sure I started getting chased by a bear.

At the very end, I was returning to my building and I saw an ex-girlfriend moving her stuff in to my apartment.

Now that I've seen that in fact, roommate's bed is in normal position (though room is still cleaner than mine) nobody has yet to burst in, with key, and claim squatter's rights, and the ex-girlfriends all remain (at last check) hundreds of miles from current location, I've relaxed a bit.

I'm still watching for that bear, though.

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