February 20, 2006

Happy Prez Day

Our greatest modern Presidents, as decided by me, at 9:30 in the morning on a Monday:

1) Franklin Roosevelt (saved America)
2) Woodrow Wilson (ideas were before his time)
3) Harry S Truman (got stuck with a tough job)
4) Bill Clinton (will be screwed over by historians)
5) Jimmy Carter (more effective post-Presidency when he grew a pair)

This could not be less thought-out, so don't anybody go all "Mormons rock" on me and disagree. I mean, go ahead and disagree, but don't expect me to back up these choices as if my life depended on it. I'm right, of course, but I can't be expected to tell you why. That's just not how America works these days, son!

By the way, our worst Presidents (narrowing this list down was tough) were Nixon, Hoover, Grant, McKinley, and Bush Jr. Welcome to the club, dubya. They don't deserve a line each. Johnson was close, because of Vietnam, but in the end I'm fairly certain that history will note the current President as one of our most uninspiring.

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