March 21, 2006

"I'm Not Dead. I'm Getting Better!"

The problem with a temp job, or at least the one I'm going to briefly mention here, is that you don't really have the ability to waste a heck of a lot of time. And since one of my chief time-wasting activities is, of course, writing in this silly little corner of the interweb, I've slack. A lot!

I'd promise change, if I thought I could keep the promise. I'd swear to mend my ways, to write 100 New Things About My Past or Why Girls Are Crazy or even Cats I Used to Own, but I don't like swearing if I don't think I have a good shot at living up to the blasphemous oath.

The good news is, it won't last forever. I still have ideas daily, I just lack the time right now. I also lack the work computer and the imprecise responsibility of a salaried position that makes daily blogging oh-so-easy.

Oh, and something tells me it's my step-dad's birthday today. Or tomorrow. I really need a wall calendar. But either way, I'm sure it's before the next update, so Happy Birthday Dan!

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