December 16, 2007

Benefit of the Doubt

A man and a woman drive down a dark road. They're off the map, and while he's sure they're going the right way, she has her doubts.

Something stirs in the darkness, and a terrible feeling washes over the woman. "Honey, please. This doesn't feel right--can we turn around?"

Now, if this were a movie, or TV show, he would immediately tease her and refuse to acknowledge her "irrational fear". But this bugs me, because I feel like unless you date someone that does nothing but barrage you with "weird feelings" and whatnot, why wouldn't you just listen to her.

I mean, if I were in that situation--or anything similar, like a dark house or a desolate street--and the person I was with confessed a deep foreboding, I would actually listen! Is there anybody out there that is dating, or friends with, somebody that they would just disregard?

The thing is, if you did listen to your omen-sensing companion, you'd completely avoid the Horror Story that you headed towards. Which, I suppose, would be terribly boring for anybody reading the story. But in case it ever comes up in real life, I just want to say: listen to your gut. You've seen enough television to know how this works.

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