December 4, 2007

That Dreamless Sleep

Why embrace it early?

There is an interesting poll and conversation in the Post's "Funny?" chat today. It concerns suicide, and the circumstances under which one believes it is okay, right, or acceptable.

I think suicide, if you can rationally choose to do so, is a horrible mistake. I have only two exceptions--one if you take the previous sentence at full value. Because when you "rationally" decide, I take that to mean the person does not suffer from a mental disorder which colors their view of the universe or their own reality. If a person has such a disorder, we cannot comprehend what would lead them to make any decisions, including the decision to take one's life. So they get a pass on the immorality of the issue.

The only "real" exception is in the case of terminal illness that has progressed to the point where even a cure couldn't save the person. That is, if they have been so debilitated by disease or injury that even removal of said disease/injury would not save them. You may then choose to prematurely end your life, with my blessing.

The rest of you contemplating or attempting suicide? F*ck off with yourselves. The world is a big place, and there is always an answer somewhere. Even if that answer is to die in a hail of gunfire doing something important, it is better than suicide.

I don't mean to be insensitive to those people who have tried to off themselves, or those who were close with people who succeeded. I feel for you. But this is it, people. This life is what you get. If it is particularly hard, then change it. But every little thing, good and bad, that happens to you will cease to exist if you choose the suicide exit.

This is less a suicide-prevention issue and more an issue of perspective. Too many people live day in and day out ignoring the fact that there is not only a larger world, but an entire universe. So I cannot imagine a scenario (outside of those mentioned above) where suicide would be the only option to relieve suffering.

Prison? Read some books and better yourself.
Horrible OZ-style prison? I would kill my tormentors, or die trying.
Massive debt or financial woes? Bankruptcy, move to Idaho, open a diner. Move to a different country. Buckle down and pay it off.
Somebody doesn't love you anymore? Get over it. Seriously, you can't be so self-centered as to truly believe you are unique in that situation. Grieve for your lost love, and move on. Take a year! Take five! But move on.

Death is not a bad thing. Embracing it early, at your choice, with no positive outcome other than your own relief (theoretically--who knows what happens after you die) is the hallmark of cowards and the supremely ignorant.

UPDATE: Linked in Gene's chat was an article a woman wrote about her father's suicide. In it was this paragraph:
Suicide is a desperate act, but it is also a hostile act. It begets more hostility. It gives the survivors the perfect opportunity to express all their real feelings about one another, good and bad. Years of petty resentments, years of unmentioned slights and snubs, grab center stage.
Couldn't have said it better myself--this is why it is cowardly in many cases. You want to tell them how pissed you are, but you know it's not black and white so you do so in the only way that gives you the last word. You are afraid to truly confront the people you choose to hurt with suicide, including yourself. It is a terrible, terrible choice.


BU said...

Good post!

Anonymous said...

OK.. OK.. OK... I wont do it !! GEEZ !! I thought the inheritance would make everyone happy !!

SB said...

Thanks BU!

I'm still wincing at the idea that somebody out there takes it the wrong way and thinks I'm denigrating the memory of their loved one. So far so good, as far as I know.

And pop (I know it's you, the exclamation points are a dead give away) if you really want me to have inheritance, feel free to send a check right now! :)

Unknown said...

I already got my fill of this topic so I'm not actually reading this post... but I didn't know you read Gene's chat :-)

It's on my "can't miss" list every Tuesday at noon.

Anonymous said...

You are such a jackass. But of course. What else to expect from the people of this world? Cause there's no way anyone compelled to commit suicide could possibly do it because chemicals in their brain are off balance!! You people don't get it!!!! That's why these people do it!!! It's pure chemicals!!! I think people have to be careful about what they say online, because you are dealing with some very moody people when you make these comments. It's little things like this that build up and ultimately add to depression.

SB said...

Ah, see I knew there would be somebody that would take offense.

I specifically exempted the mentally ill--which includes those who are clinically depressed--but I appreciate the attempt to ignore that.

I was tempted to delete this comment because it's clear the author didn't actually understand the post, but hey--you're all entitled to your opinions. Even if those opinions are based on a blatant misread.

If you are clinically depressed, then any "build up" is due to the depression and not to reading blog posts (or watching sad movies, or reading sad books, etc.).

But you're right that people online are certainly moody, and I usually am a jackass. But not because of this.

If you really want to discuss this, feel free to use my email instead of posting anonymous and flawed comments. It sounds like you may need to talk about this with somebody, Anon.